Trust the Results of Your Annual Test.
Become a regular, annual customer and receive the best rate for your backflow test in Indian River County!
Become a regular, annual customer and receive the best rate for your backflow test in Indian River County!
Backflow is a term in plumbing for an unwanted flow of water in the reverse direction. It can be a serious health risk for the contamination of potable water supplies with foul water. In the most obvious case, a toilet flush cistern and its water supply must be isolated from the toilet bowl. For this reason, building codes mandate a series of measures and backflow prevention devices to counteract backflow. All in all, it is a simple test that ensures your water is clean and free of dangerous substances.
Owner, Michael Tillery, is a licensed journeyman plumber with decades of experience in commercial and residential plumbing specializing in new construction. In 2011, with a shortage of certified backflow testing professionals throughout the nation; he sought out this accreditation and has been successful in testing backflows of assorted sizes ever since. To help ensure the confidence in the testing, Backflow Testing of Indian River County LLC. does not perform any repairs in the event the backflow tested does not pass. By being entirely neutral and affordable, Backflow Testing of Indian River County LLC. looks forward to being your annual tester for years to come.
Backflow Testing of Indian River County LLC. confirms your testing date. Results are submitted on behalf of the customer through Indian River County's preferred platform BSI. Annual notification is then sent to both the tester and customer, once in the system we continually schedule and maintain your testing to satisfy the requirements set forth by the county and state. In the event there is an issue in the test results, all proper documentation will be supplied to the plumbing contractor hired by the customer. A list of accredited contractors in the area can be provided.
If you have questions about the testing process or wish to schedule your test, please call. We look forward to being of service.
772-473-7106 ASSE# 22631
Backflow testing of Indian river County LLC.
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